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My professional journey


My professional journey

IA R&D, Datascientist
Sogeti parts of Capgemini
Lyon, France
From 01/2024 to 09/2024

During my mission as an IA R&D, Datascientist, I spearheaded several experiments involving diverse AI algorithms for time series analysis. My primary role was to innovate and develop AI models tailored to meet specific requirements and challenges.

The workflow began with the conceptualization and initiation of an innovation part of the global project aimed at designing an AI model to address particular needs. This process involved not only the technical development of the model but also the strategic planning to ensure it aligned with project goals.

A significant part of my role included continuous learning and skill enhancement. I participated in various training programs covering data science, mathematics for machine learning, and the functionality of different models. These training sessions culminated in the acquisition of relevant certifications, further validating my expertise in the field.

Research was a critical component of my work. I conducted extensive literature reviews and leveraged existing scientific documents to support the research and development activities. This approach ensured that our methods were grounded in proven scientific principles and cutting-edge techniques.

The key challenge of this role was to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical application, ensuring that our AI models were both innovative and effective in solving real-world problems.

Software Backend Engineer
Sogeti parts of Capgemini
Lyon, France
From 09/2023 to 01/2024

During my tenure at Sogeti, a part of Capgemini, I worked on a project for SNCF in Lyon, France. As a Software Backend Engineer, my primary responsibilities encompassed bug analysis and resolution, which were pivotal in enhancing application performance and reliability.

The workflow was meticulously structured, starting with an in-depth analysis of bugs. This phase not only involved identifying the issues but also understanding their underlying causes. I then drafted detailed technical specifications, laying the groundwork for effective solutions. The development phase was where I implemented these fixes, ensuring they aligned with the specified requirements.

One of the key challenges I encountered was adapting to the complexity of certain bugs, which required advanced problem-solving and in-depth technical analysis.

Collaboration played a crucial role in this project. Post-development, my solutions underwent a rigorous testing process, ensuring their robustness. I then prepared a Merge Request (MR) for the changes, which was meticulously reviewed by the technical lead before integration into the main codebase.

The project utilized a diverse technology stack. The backend, developed in Java 17 and Spring Boot, was designed as a microservices application. For data management, we used Hazelcast for in-memory data grid solutions, MongoDB as a NoSQL database, and PostgreSQL for relational database management. Kubernetes was instrumental in containerizing the entire application, streamlining deployment and scaling processes.

Sogeti parts of Capgemini
Lyon, France
From March 2023 to June 2023

In my role as a Data Scientist at Sogeti, I was an integral part of an innovative project that harnessed the power of artificial intelligence to address cutting-edge challenges. This dynamic role was a blend of creativity and technical expertise, requiring constant exploration and innovation in AI.

Continuous Learning and Achievements

My commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in AI led me to undertake regular training in diverse areas. I focused on data manipulation, applied mathematics for machine learning, and understanding complex AI models. These skills are crucial to start developing an AI model that significantly improved predictive accuracy.

Certifications and Professional Development

I obtained several key certifications during this period, including "Continuous Delivery & DevOps", "Data Visualization with Python", "Exploratory Data Analysis for Machine Learning", "Introduction to Machine Learning", "Data Science Math Skills" . These certifications not only bolstered my technical proficiency but also underlined my dedication to remaining at the forefront of AI innovation.

Emphasis on Research and Learning

The cornerstone of my role was not confined to specific technologies; rather, it was centered on extensive research and continuous learning. This mindset enabled me to delve deeper into AI, keeping pace with the rapidly evolving landscape of this field. The knowledge and skills acquired here are not only valuable in my current role but also form a solid foundation for my future endeavors in AI.

Tech Lead & Scrum Master
Sogeti parts of Capgemini
Lyon, France
From September 2022 to March 2023

During my apprenticeship at Sogeti, a part of Capgemini in Lyon, France, I assumed the roles of Scrum Master, Tech Lead, and Full Stack Developer. This multifaceted experience was pivotal in my professional development, enriching my skills in project management, team leadership, and software development.

Key Achievements and Innovations

A notable accomplishment was my contribution to a research and development project for a Progressive Web Application (PWA). I spearheaded the optimization of the development phase, achieving a better efficiency increase by introducing new tools and verification processes. My role in the Agile team extended beyond technical contributions to actively engaging in requirements gathering and solution implementation, ensuring that project deliverables aligned with client needs.

Project Contributions and Technical Expertise

My technical contributions were diverse, including the implementation and testing of a backend API for a SmartTV project, which resulted in a substantial increase in test coverage to over 70%. Additionally, my involvement in the design, testing, and architecture of a client/server application was instrumental in enhancing its performance and scalability.

Process Improvements and Problem-Solving

In my dual role as Tech Lead and Scrum Master, I led a team of 10, fostering a collaborative and productive work environment. My responsibilities extended to team recruitment and mentoring new members.

Leadership and Team Dynamics

In my dual role as Tech Lead and Scrum Master, I led a team of 10, fostering a collaborative and productive work environment. My responsibilities extended to team recruitment and mentoring new members, where I focused on building a cohesive and skilled team. I implemented Agile methodologies effectively, ensuring smooth project progression and timely deliveries.

Technology Proficiency

The projects I worked on involved technologies such as Angular, Spring Boot, Python, Git, Azure, and SQL. This diverse technological exposure not only honed my technical skills but also enriched my capabilities as a Scrum Master and Tech Lead, enabling me to guide my team through complex technical challenges.

Full Stack Developer & Scrum Master
Sogeti parts of Capgemini
Lyon, France
From June 2022 to September 2022

During my internship at Sogeti in Lyon, France, I embraced the dual roles of Full Stack Developer and Scrum Master. This period was pivotal in discovering my passion for agile project management and honing my full-stack development skills.

Project Contributions and Innovations

My primary focus was on a research and development project, where I developed innovative tools and checks for a web application. These tools significantly streamlined the development process, enhancing efficiency. In addition, my involvement in implementing and testing a backend API for the SmartTV project, and assisting in the design, testing, and architecture of a client/server application, contributed to a marked improvement in project outcomes.

Leadership and Agile Methodology

As a Scrum Master, I played a key role in reinforcing agile principles within a team of 10 members. My responsibilities included overseeing the recruitment and training of new team members, thereby fostering a dynamic and skilled team environment. I was instrumental in revamping various procedures, from requirements gathering to technical testing, which led to a notable enhancement in the quality and efficiency of our team's output.

Personal Growth and Skill Development

This internship was a gateway to significant professional growth. I delved deep into Agile methodologies, gaining a robust understanding of project management and team dynamics. Simultaneously, I sharpened my technical skills in Full Stack development.

Technology Proficiency

I extensively used technologies such as Angular, Spring Boot, Python, Azure, and SQL. Working with these technologies not only solidified my technical acumen but also provided valuable insights into the practical application of these tools in a real-world project setting.

Full Stack Developer
Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT
Brussels, Belgium
From June 2023 to September 2023

During my internship at the Belgian Institute for Sustainable IT in Brussels, Belgium, I focused on bridging the gap between technology and sustainability. I played a key role in developing the second version of a roadmap tool aimed at guiding companies towards eco-friendlier IT practices.

Project Contributions and Sustainability Focus

A pivotal part of my work was transforming the existing PHP project into Object-Oriented PHP. This transition not only optimized the codebase but also significantly reduced server requests, leading to improved performance and lower CO2 emissions. This effort demonstrated our commitment to integrating sustainability into every facet of IT development.

User Experience Design for Environmental Impact

In terms of user experience, I prioritized the development of UI/UX designs with minimal environmental impact. This involved creating interfaces that were not only user-friendly but also aligned with our sustainable IT goals, thereby setting a new standard for eco-conscious technology design.

Innovative Framework Development

I developed a mini PHP framework complete with an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system. This initiative was geared towards enhancing the project's scalability and streamlining the addition of new features, showcasing my technical capabilities and foresight in software development.

Comprehensive Documentation

I also focused on creating in-depth technical and design documentation. This crucial step not only facilitated efficient project management but also laid a solid foundation for future development and enhancements, ensuring the project's long-term viability and adaptability.

Skill Enhancement and Technologies Used

This internship was instrumental in advancing my skills as a Full Stack Developer. I worked extensively with technologies such as PHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and DevOps practices. The experience deepened my understanding of web development and ingrained in me the importance of sustainable practices in technology.

Full Stack Developer
From March 2020 to May 2022

While pursuing my studies, I embarked on a journey as a Freelance Full Stack Developer, crafting custom websites for diverse clients. This role entailed comprehensive project management, from initial client consultation to the final deployment of the website.

Project Management and Client Collaboration

Key responsibilities included direct collaboration with clients to understand their vision and translate it into tangible project goals. I honed my skills in communicating complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders, ensuring clarity and alignment of expectations throughout the project lifecycle.

Web Design and Development

In designing websites, I focused on creating user-friendly, responsive, and visually appealing interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. My approach prioritized usability and aesthetic appeal, often incorporating interactive elements to enhance the user experience.

Backend Implementation and Integration

The backend development was executed using PHP and MySQL, incorporating efficient data handling and security practices. I also integrated third-party APIs to add advanced functionalities, addressing custom client requirements effectively.

Rigorous Testing and Debugging

I adopted a thorough approach to testing and debugging, prioritizing quality and reliability. This process involved methodical issue identification and resolution, ensuring the smooth performance of websites across various devices and browsers.

Deployment and Ongoing Support

Post-development, I managed the deployment of websites to production environments and provided essential post-launch support. This included regular updates and troubleshooting, ensuring that the websites remained functional and relevant over time.

Skills and Professional Development

Freelancing allowed me to develop a robust skill set in project management, client relations, and full-stack web development. It was a platform for continuous learning, enabling me to stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies in web development.

Technology Proficiency

I utilized a range of technologies, including PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and DevOps practices. This tenure not only sharpened my technical skills but also broadened my perspective on delivering tailor-made web solutions to meet diverse client needs.

Full Stack Developer
Besancon, France
From August 2020 to August 2021

During my apprenticeship at Evozen in Besancon, France, I delved into an exciting lunar calendar project. This project uniquely blended software development with astronomical and astrological data, presenting a challenging yet enriching opportunity.

Backend Development and Algorithmic Innovation

My primary responsibility was the development of the backend, accessible via a REST interface. This task involved crafting sophisticated algorithms for astronomical calculations and integrating lunar calendar data. It required a nuanced balance of software engineering skills and a deep understanding of astronomical concepts, pushing the boundaries of conventional backend development.

Testing for Precision

Ensuring the accuracy of the software was crucial, given its reliance on precise astronomical data. My approach to unit testing was thorough and meticulous, focusing on both functionality and data accuracy. This rigorous testing regime was key in delivering a product that was not only functional but also reliable and true to its scientific foundations.

Responsive User Interface Design

I also took on the task of designing and implementing the user interface. The challenge here was to create a design that was not just aesthetically pleasing but also responsive across various devices. I focused on developing an intuitive user experience, allowing users to seamlessly access and interpret the complex data presented by the lunar calendar.

Professional Development and Learning

This role at Evozen was instrumental in my professional development. It allowed me to expand my skill set in software development, especially in the unique area of astronomical calculations. The experience was a significant stepping stone in understanding the practical applications of software development in specialized fields.

Technology Utilization

Throughout this project, I utilized technologies like FuelPHP, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and incorporated aspects of company management. This experience was pivotal in refining my skills as a Full Stack Developer, deepening my proficiency in both front-end and back-end development, and giving me insights into effective project management in a specialized tech environment.

Alarm technician
Besancon, France
From January 2019 to February 2019

My tenure at ANTENNES PEPIOT SECURITE in Besancon, France, as an Alarm Technician, was a period of significant skill development and hands-on experience in the field of security systems. This role entailed a diverse range of tasks, predominantly centered around the installation and maintenance of sophisticated security systems.

Specialized Installation of Anti-Intrusion Systems

A primary aspect of my role was the installation of anti-intrusion alarm systems. This task required a thorough understanding of the client's unique security requirements. I specialized in customizing and installing systems that effectively addressed these needs, ensuring optimal functionality and security. The challenge often lay in adapting systems to diverse environments, which honed my problem-solving skills and technical acumen.

Maintenance Expertise in Fire Safety Systems (SSI)

My responsibilities also extended to the regular maintenance of SSI (Fire Safety Systems). Here, I conducted detailed inspections and repairs, guaranteeing that these critical systems operated reliably and efficiently. This role underscored the importance of precision and regular monitoring in maintaining the integrity of safety systems.

Technical Proficiency in Video Surveillance Installation

Additionally, I managed the installation of comprehensive video surveillance systems. This involved strategic planning for camera placement and setting up sophisticated monitoring systems to ensure extensive security coverage. The technical intricacies of this task enhanced my understanding of modern surveillance technology and its implementation.

Skill Enhancement and Industry Insight

This experience was pivotal in developing my technical skills in security system installation and maintenance. It provided me with valuable insights into the security technology industry, enhancing my abilities in system troubleshooting, client communication, and delivering tailored security solutions.

Networks & Automation Technician
DREAL (Direction Régionale de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement)
Besancon, France
From May 2018 to June 2018

My tenure at DREAL in Besancon, France, as a Networks & Automation Technician, was marked by a diverse array of challenging tasks in network maintenance and automation.

Comprehensive Network Maintenance

A key responsibility of mine was the meticulous maintenance of the network infrastructure. This included conducting regular inspections, performing repairs, and ensuring optimal network performance. I tackled various challenges, from managing complex configurations to addressing specific operational issues, ensuring the network's reliability and efficiency.

Script Creation for Enhanced Automation

I took on the task of developing and deploying a PowerShell script, aimed at automating certain network operations. This script was designed to streamline processes and improve the overall functionality of the network. The development of this script required an in-depth understanding of network dynamics and the application of advanced scripting techniques.

Expert Network Troubleshooting

Another critical aspect of my role was network troubleshooting. I employed a systematic approach to diagnose and resolve network issues, ensuring minimal downtime and maintaining consistent network performance. This role honed my analytical and problem-solving skills, enabling me to efficiently identify and rectify various network-related issues.

Skill Enhancement in Network Technologies

During my time at DREAL, I extensively used PowerShell, which significantly enhanced my expertise in network automation and scripting. This experience not only improved my technical abilities in managing and automating network systems but also deepened my understanding of the practical applications of these technologies in a real-world environment.

Bois & Fer
Rousson, France
From May 2017 to June 2017

During my tenure at Bois & Fer, based in Rousson, France, I worked as a Carpenter. This role involved a variety of tasks, primarily focusing on general carpentry, creation, and restoration.

General Carpentry

One of my key responsibilities was performing general carpentry tasks. This involved working with various types of wood to create and repair structures and other items.


I was also involved in the creation of new items. This required a deep understanding of carpentry techniques and the ability to work with precision and attention to detail.


In addition to creation, I handled the restoration of old or damaged items. This involved repairing and refurbishing items to restore them to their original condition or improve their functionality.

This experience allowed me to develop my skills in carpentry and gain valuable hands-on experience in the field.

Besancon, France
From May 2016 to June 2016

During my tenure at Picolli, based in Besancon, France, I worked as a Carpenter. This role involved a variety of tasks, primarily focusing on general carpentry, creation, and restoration.

General Carpentry

One of my key responsibilities was performing general carpentry tasks. This involved working with various types of wood to create and repair structures and other items.


I was also involved in the creation of new items. This required a deep understanding of carpentry techniques and the ability to work with precision and attention to detail.


In addition to creation, I handled the restoration of old or damaged items. This involved repairing and refurbishing items to restore them to their original condition or improve their functionality.

This experience allowed me to develop my skills in carpentry and gain valuable hands-on experience in the field.

Computer Technician
Voray Sur L'ognon, France
From November 2015 to November 2015

During my tenure at Ordi'Service, based in Voray Sur L'ognon, France, I worked as a Computer Technician. This role involved a variety of tasks, primarily focusing on the sale, repair, and maintenance of electronic products.


One of my key responsibilities was the sale of electronic products. This involved understanding the specific needs of the customer and recommending products that would effectively meet those needs.

Repair and Maintenance

In addition to sales, I was also responsible for the repair and maintenance of various electronic products, including computers, televisions, and video game consoles. This involved diagnosing issues, performing repairs, and conducting regular maintenance to ensure the products were functioning effectively and reliably.

This experience allowed me to develop my skills in customer service and electronic product maintenance, and gain valuable experience in the field of electronics.