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Who I am


Yannis: Full-Stack Web Developer with a Unique Journey

Hello, I'm Yannis, a full-stack web developer. My career path is quite unique because before turning to computer science, I studied carpentry and electronics. These fields allowed me to discover what I really wanted... to become a web developer.

Early Beginnings

I started learning programming at the age of 13 through OpenClassroom (formerly "lesiteduzero"). The courses there enabled me to create my first websites. I also learned C, batch scripting, Java, and continued with PHP and MySQL. Gradually, I broadened my skills, discovered new languages, and decided on my "orientation".

Further Education and Specialization

During my previous training, I took a particular interest in information security and other languages such as Ruby, Javascript, NodeJS, and the Linux environment. I gained knowledge in these areas through platforms like Udemy and OpenClassRoom.

In September 2019, I joined a BTS SIO with a focus on SLAM (Web Development), which allowed me to learn C#, Python, and deepen my understanding of HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, as well as database modeling and design.

Practical Experience

Throughout this time, I've completed numerous small projects using various languages to enhance my skills and prepare for future client requests.

Current Endeavors

Today, I have the opportunity to join an engineering school, CPE Lyon, which will enable me to realize my project and become an engineer in the field of development or cybersecurity.

Fields of Interest

I am passionate about information security, software or web development, artificial intelligence, and the world of blockchains. These are the fields in which I would like to work in the future, allowing me to expand my knowledge/skills and apply them in forward-looking domains.

Academic Record

  • CPE Lyon: Lyon, 2021 - 2024 - MSc in Computer Science and Cybersecurity
  • Lycée Pergaud: Besançon, 2019 - 2021 - BTS SIO Option SLAM
  • Lycée Saint Joseph: 2016 - 2017 - BEP MENUISERIE AGENCEMENT


  • France Cyber-Security Challenge - CTF April 2021: Qualification for the French Cyber-Security team of ANSSI
  • France Cyber-Security Challenge - CTF 2020: Qualification for the French Cyber-Security team of ANSSI
  • BattleDev - HelloWork - November 2019 & March 2020: Languages chosen: C# / Javascript